“不看金庸,非龙的传人也!!” 还记得小学时, 很多朋友都开始手上拿着一本厚厚的小说了。当时我也不例外,可是我看的只是图版西游记,三国演义等之类。还没达到整本书都是字的小说。上了中学,大概90年代末和2千年初,我和我的男性朋友们都开始沉迷电脑游戏,而大多数玩的都是中文rpg,久而久之,对武侠越来越感兴趣, 就开始了一段金庸武侠小说热潮。 当时,我们男生们都会轮流购买武侠小说,然后就回交换来看。当时一本金庸只需要RM8,可是现在,自从金庸第四次改编后,价格提高了几倍,一套四本需要RM90!walau!我很记得Form 1 时,吵妈妈带我去附近的意见漫画中心组小说,而我所看得第一本是:《神雕侠侣》 (当时刚玩完这个游戏,所以特别想读)。借得时间最长是一个礼拜,所以就逼自己一个礼拜看完一本,就这样一个月后,看完了整套。当时我和身边几个男同学,上课时手都拿着一本金庸, 斗谁看得多,读得快,然后就交换心得,切磋武艺,哈哈! 就这样,就觉得金庸小说太好太迷人了,甚至有几套被列为中华历史以来“好书之一”,就决定买下来,而最想收集的就是《射雕英雄传》,因为它被列为十大好书第五名。我 看了《神雕侠侣》,知道这是一套三部曲 -- 《射雕》 ,《神雕》 ,《倚天》。以是便骑脚车到附近的Midashi文具店买下了,把书皮抱得美美,就开始阅读。最后,就觉得其实《射雕》比《神雕》还好看多,因为他没有一直拖,故事充满精彩环节,而且历史味很重,好郭靖俏黄蓉的配合非常特别,而且天下武林四大高手--“东邪”“西毒”“南帝”“北丐”当时是最光辉时期。比起杨过小龙女那种一拖再拖,纠缠不清的爱情,再加上不断的相思之苦, 《射雕》显得精彩多了。 最近,我在印度读书很闷,就决定上网看经典武侠剧,就迷上了83年版的射雕英雄传。黄日华演的郭靖够笨拙,刚阳,忠直,仁义,赤子之心,正所谓:侠之大者,当为郭靖,被黄日华演得最为体贴;已逝的美少女翁美玲演的黄蓉最调皮,聪明伶俐,诡计多端,可爱中带邪气,是历史以来演得最好的郭靖和黄蓉,而且东邪,西毒,南帝,北丐的角色都非常得体,苗乔伟演的杨康真的是一表人才但心目中却充满了邪恶和不择手段,认贼作父,但对穆念慈却温柔深爱,真是令人又恨又怜惜。 我觉得这部TVB经典武装戏实在太好了,因为它没有现代武侠片那些令人作呕的电脑特技使用各种power飞来飞去,而把故事内容改得不伦不类。以前的戏全都是真手实枪的打斗,而且故事内容,角色性格跟金庸书上所描述的一五一十,的确是史上其中一部最好的一部武侠片。看了这部戏,怀念起英年早逝的翁美玲,一个充满美貌和才艺的26岁女演员就这样为了爱情而不小心自杀,真是可惜。 想在“土豆网”免费观看这套分为三套的《射雕英雄传》:
另外,我也在网上辛辛苦苦找到了全套金庸笔下的“十大美侠女”壁纸。喜欢的人可到我的WebAlbum “金庸十二钗”观看下载。 我本身最喜爱的是女角色是--黄蓉。我喜欢她那种调皮任性,古灵精怪,小气,足智多谋,聪明伶俐的性格。生为东邪黄药师之女,一出生就失去母亲,在桃花岛过着小公主般生活,被爸爸传授所有知识,精通琴棋诗画,八卦五门之术,可是一次跟爸爸吵架,离岛出走,在街上碰上郭靖这笨小子,郭靖的好心和忠直感动了她,以是黄蓉作了她一生最聪明的选择--知道不能放过这个机会,决定跟随一位深爱自己的男人,他不用聪明英俊,只要对自己好。黄蓉在家里是个厨艺高超的厨师,在外是名人人崇拜的丐帮帮主。她在《射雕》是名十六岁调皮美少女,在《神雕》是位成熟妇人。她随着丈夫死守襄阳城抵抗蒙古兵,最后为国捐躯,留下倚天剑屠龙刀,还有一位创办峨嵋派的女儿郭襄。郭靖是全金庸笔下最侠义,最为国为民之士,而黄蓉从开始到最后都陪着他创下一段永不忘记的故事。黄蓉可以说是金庸笔下最幸福的女人。她活得有意义,爱得有意义,死得有意义,实在令人难忘。Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Just Another Brick in The Wall
Today is Sunday, me and my friends went to watch movie - The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It was beautiful, meaningful and exciting. Much better than the previous one. Though it's just a kid's fantasy movie, it still contains a lot of unexpected and creative twist. I enjoyed the movie very much. For those who thought Lord of The Rings is way better than Narnia, i would say NO, because there's even more creatures, longer time span and the story line has more ups and downs compared to LOTR's mono theme. Actually, there's very much similarities between the 2 greatest epic fantasy of all time written by 2 very very close friends in Oxford - C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkein. Both geniuses created their own fantasy world, their own languages, creatures, stories etc, just that LOTR is meant for adults and Narnia is meant for children. Both sagas are holding to one main theme, ie Christianity. C.S Lewis is an extreme atheist convert Christian under the influence of his best friend Tolkein. Lewis then became the greatest phylosopher of modern chirstianity, and still is.
In LOTR, the ring that Frodo bear is an illustration of Jesus christ bearing the cross all by himself, carrying the heavy burden of the sins of the world.
In Narnia, Aslan represents Christ who, though himself sinless, willing to sacrifice himself for the good of Narnia world, in the case bearing the wrongs of Edmund who are tempted by the White Witch (like Adam tempted by Satan and fell to sin).
I like both stories, i'd finished reading LOTR and The Hobbit, but i think i am too old to read Narnia now. Anyway, i love both writers (though maybe a bit bias towards C.S Lewis as i read even more of his Christian books). In a nutshell, great job done by Andrew Adamson who made such great stories into a beautiful thrilling movie.
After movie, i went shopping by myself and bought some Jockey inner shirts and a Van Heusen black pants which cost me Rs1800 (woot, i have no choice as all the cheaper ones are quite baggy to me. I hate those baggy formal pants, and that's why i have so few formal pants).
On the other hand, i would also like to sum up here that in the last 2 weeks, i had bought many other things for my computer workstation (which is more importantly also, my study place). I bought a Featherlite branded executive chair which cost me Rs5000, hehe, i know it's damn expensive, but if you count in the number of hours u spend sitting on chair in a day, it's very very worth it, plus the chair is very comfy, very ergonomic and very much adjustable in every aspects.
What i use:
Last but not least,, quite proudly i would like to say that i'd manage to form a "wireless working desk" for my room. No more wires tingling around the desk or floor anymore. I'd been thinking of ways to hide all the wires while studying (my ideas seems to soar more when i study sitting quietly there), and here are what i did:
1. Put the USB hub and laptop adapter under my laptop stand
2. Drills 2 small holes at the back of the wooden desk to let my speaker and keyboard wires go through.
3. Fix the multi-socket adapter to the side of the table.
Now, who need all those expensive wireless geeks?
In LOTR, the ring that Frodo bear is an illustration of Jesus christ bearing the cross all by himself, carrying the heavy burden of the sins of the world.
In Narnia, Aslan represents Christ who, though himself sinless, willing to sacrifice himself for the good of Narnia world, in the case bearing the wrongs of Edmund who are tempted by the White Witch (like Adam tempted by Satan and fell to sin).
I like both stories, i'd finished reading LOTR and The Hobbit, but i think i am too old to read Narnia now. Anyway, i love both writers (though maybe a bit bias towards C.S Lewis as i read even more of his Christian books). In a nutshell, great job done by Andrew Adamson who made such great stories into a beautiful thrilling movie.
After movie, i went shopping by myself and bought some Jockey inner shirts and a Van Heusen black pants which cost me Rs1800 (woot, i have no choice as all the cheaper ones are quite baggy to me. I hate those baggy formal pants, and that's why i have so few formal pants).
On the other hand, i would also like to sum up here that in the last 2 weeks, i had bought many other things for my computer workstation (which is more importantly also, my study place). I bought a Featherlite branded executive chair which cost me Rs5000, hehe, i know it's damn expensive, but if you count in the number of hours u spend sitting on chair in a day, it's very very worth it, plus the chair is very comfy, very ergonomic and very much adjustable in every aspects.
What i use:
- Dell XPS 1530
- Logitech Premium 4-port USB hub
- Logitech MX518 gaming mouse
- Fenlida mouse mat
- Logitech NewTouch 200 keyboard
- Logitech Alto Express Laptop Stand
- 4GB Sandisk pendrive to ReadyBoost my Vista
- Logitech Dual Action gamepad
- USB sound card
- Creative M2500 2:1 speakers
Last but not least,, quite proudly i would like to say that i'd manage to form a "wireless working desk" for my room. No more wires tingling around the desk or floor anymore. I'd been thinking of ways to hide all the wires while studying (my ideas seems to soar more when i study sitting quietly there), and here are what i did:
1. Put the USB hub and laptop adapter under my laptop stand
2. Drills 2 small holes at the back of the wooden desk to let my speaker and keyboard wires go through.
3. Fix the multi-socket adapter to the side of the table.
Now, who need all those expensive wireless geeks?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Yeah, today i just finished off my Pharmacology supplementary exam. I did really well this time and kicked it's ass, haha, hopefully can get a first class. (Duh, i failed it 5 months ago and i studied this one subject in extra 4 months, of course i'm expected to kick ass) Now, i can start concentrating on my coming sessionals exam which features Ophthalmology, E.N.T, and Community Medicine. I'd never really touched all these 3rd year subjects yet cz all these while if not playing so many computer games, it's playing guitar and reading my Pharmac. That's how i spent my first 4 months in 3rd year MBBS, swt. The sessionals kick off on 3rd June, which is damn near actually. Come on, study!! (Compare to 2nd year, we have only 3 subjects this year and the books are so much thinner) My ambition is to become a Ophthalmologist, and let's see how well i do in this subject this year, and may God lead my future.
English Premier League had just finished. Man United retained their well deserved title, but had to get it till the last match of the season in a really long long tussle with Chelsea. So where my Liverpool stands? Erm, 4th, zz.. In the beginning of the season we started damn well, met all expectations, people thought it's maybe our time to get our 1st title in 18 years, but in Dec, our 2 stupid American idiot owner fought against each other, and it had affected everything, both on and off the pitch. So we slumped to a 2 months winless record, diao. But in March, everything went well again, and we won almost all our games. However, Liverpool still has plenty of things to be proud off:
My neighbor Liew bought a new guitar multi effect pedal last week - Zoom GFX 5. It cost Rs11000, but it's really good. Before he bought that, i'd already targeted mine - Digitech RP250 which cost Rs9500, but he got his pedal first and i was left behind still considering. Then this week he bought a new guitar - Ibanez Prestige RG 2570 that cost Rs54000, which is super good looking and super nice to play and as it's name implies, super prestigious. Me? Still stuck on my Fender Squier Strat. So, feeling outdated and get sick of my Strat's 'dull and soft' sound, i decided to modify it myself. I researched so much online, and at last managed to do some fine tuning, and now my guitar sounds much nicer and warmer and louder, and easier to play. I know i cant change a crow into a phoenix, but it can becaome a parrot at least. Today, as i surf for great guitars, i stunbled upon Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster. I was like.. drool..wow..it's the best guitar manufactured by Fender. It's so sexy, and according review, it's touch is so warming and playing it is so exciting and satisfying. It has 3 Samarium Cobalt Pickups, 22 Jumbo frets, Synchronized Tremolo, Sealed Locking Tuning Machines , S-1 pickup switch and highly detailed engineering. Now, it's in my wanted list already, and it's so going to be my next baby.
But wait, let's face it, where do all the money come from? The guitar will cost $1700, which is at least Rs80000. Before this I'd already decided to save more money this term but still i managed to spend so much recently. Finger cross i must not buy all these so fast, at least wait for another 6 months because i think i don't deserve them now, i really don't deserve to have this baby yet. My skills is still noob and i should be happy to settle with my Fender Squier and Digitech RP80 which a friend don't want and gave me. Now, i have a guitar which is not so bad, and a multi effect pedal which has many many effects to be played. Enough Chee Chung!! Be satisfied already!!
English Premier League had just finished. Man United retained their well deserved title, but had to get it till the last match of the season in a really long long tussle with Chelsea. So where my Liverpool stands? Erm, 4th, zz.. In the beginning of the season we started damn well, met all expectations, people thought it's maybe our time to get our 1st title in 18 years, but in Dec, our 2 stupid American idiot owner fought against each other, and it had affected everything, both on and off the pitch. So we slumped to a 2 months winless record, diao. But in March, everything went well again, and we won almost all our games. However, Liverpool still has plenty of things to be proud off:
- Fernando Torres, our record signing of 21 million pound broke all records by scoring 24 goals in his debut season (the highest scorer of a foreigner in his 1st season). At last, after Owen, we have one truly prolific and skillful and fast and strong striker, yes!! Love ya!!
- Pepe Reina got the Golden Glove award again, for 3 seasons consecutively, for keeping the most clean sheets in whole season! So who is the best keeper in England? Cech? Van Der Sar? haha
- Liverpool is the English club that scored the most goals in all competition this season - 119 goals! That way above Manchester United. In Champion's League itself, we have 40 goals!!Imagine!!
My neighbor Liew bought a new guitar multi effect pedal last week - Zoom GFX 5. It cost Rs11000, but it's really good. Before he bought that, i'd already targeted mine - Digitech RP250 which cost Rs9500, but he got his pedal first and i was left behind still considering. Then this week he bought a new guitar - Ibanez Prestige RG 2570 that cost Rs54000, which is super good looking and super nice to play and as it's name implies, super prestigious. Me? Still stuck on my Fender Squier Strat. So, feeling outdated and get sick of my Strat's 'dull and soft' sound, i decided to modify it myself. I researched so much online, and at last managed to do some fine tuning, and now my guitar sounds much nicer and warmer and louder, and easier to play. I know i cant change a crow into a phoenix, but it can becaome a parrot at least. Today, as i surf for great guitars, i stunbled upon Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster. I was like.. drool..wow..it's the best guitar manufactured by Fender. It's so sexy, and according review, it's touch is so warming and playing it is so exciting and satisfying. It has 3 Samarium Cobalt Pickups, 22 Jumbo frets, Synchronized Tremolo, Sealed Locking Tuning Machines , S-1 pickup switch and highly detailed engineering. Now, it's in my wanted list already, and it's so going to be my next baby.
But wait, let's face it, where do all the money come from? The guitar will cost $1700, which is at least Rs80000. Before this I'd already decided to save more money this term but still i managed to spend so much recently. Finger cross i must not buy all these so fast, at least wait for another 6 months because i think i don't deserve them now, i really don't deserve to have this baby yet. My skills is still noob and i should be happy to settle with my Fender Squier and Digitech RP80 which a friend don't want and gave me. Now, i have a guitar which is not so bad, and a multi effect pedal which has many many effects to be played. Enough Chee Chung!! Be satisfied already!!
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