Thursday, August 18, 2005

A sigh of relief and a taste of grace...

My A-level results came out today-Physics B, Chemistry A, Biology B;13 overall points out of 15... It does not seems to be a very good result, not even a good result anyway compared to other chinese here, as MOST of them get the full 15 :( ...Anyway, i really thanked God for it coz i expected lower grades, and i really worried about my future before the result came out... Well, i'll be flying to India on 30th Aug, 2215 flight to Bangalore, then the next day take 1040 india local flight to Mangalore, where i'll be studying... At last, everything is settled, and i just feel a BIG relief and peacefulness in me:) At least i do not need to doubt on preparing all my essentials to be brought there, and i do not need to face my friends in a unassured sense when asked bout my future... I did quite of my best in this exam, and i can only put all my worries on God after i did the papers, and by God's mercy and grace, i passed the cut-off point of 12 to pursue my future in India, to study medicine, and to become a doctor (wow)... I witnessed some of my friends who didn't make it to fly, and i really can't imagine if i was one of them... I'm not a serious 'studier', i played a lot, enjoyed too much, and took exams quite lightly, but luckily God gave me a wake-up call during my AS, and it helped me to stand up again stronger (though it's not dat strong in the end, but it's more than enough getting me to fly :) I'm really happy and relief now, which makes me come out at 11.30pm now to write this :) I promised to myself that i will 'really' study hard over there, coz medic is no simple thing at all.. i would not want to put myself into such a worry again next time, and hopefully, i'll keep myself up all the time and not be slack... May God make the path straight ahead of me, amen...


  1. finally i got it....
    chee chung is jz so blur...hope he ll b fine is india...wont get bully from those anene...hahah..take k ya~

  2. i believe if u aim to be success,u muz set ur mind ready to overcome any obstacle,without giving up due to minor thg.jz remember:if u dont make mistake ,u ll never know tat u r learning somehtg out of it n are improving take k of yaself in india n keep contact all the time.

  3. Remember me? I see you've got my link on your blog. Email me, tell me how you've been.

