We have 8 hours each week to meet the dead people, or more precisely, the cadavers.. There’s a collection of bout 30 bodies, “swimming” in a formalin pool, and during each dissection anatomy class, groups of bout 30 people will sit next to a specific body, and WATCH( we dun have the qualification to dissect yet, only to touch them) the post graduates carefully and artistically peel off the skin, the fasciae, the fats, the muscles, and the tendons layer by layer, bit by bit for us to observe and study each and every part one by one.. The cadavers are black and quite old (they’re preserved for at least few years), some of their body parts are being ripped off or opened up, and some even have only half of the head, yiiakkeezzz!!! They bear faint formalin smell, and the formalin often makes our eye feel tearful and tired… Unbelievably, none of us vomited, though undoubtedly, the scary and disgusting feeling is there sometimes...
Classes had been continue to be blur for many of us, firstly because we missed some classes, and secondly still, due to language problem; many lecturers (they’re all doctors though) are simply hypnotizing; we can hardly make out what are they describing on the slides sometimes… Exam is only a month away, and we’re still struggling hard in our studies, esp in anatomy - there’s just too much things to memorize. Most of the locals seems to be very well prepared, as they always know how to answer the doctors’ questions.. things we’re studying now are very familiar to them cz they’d studied them in their 10+2 foundation…
On the other hand, I would like to admit dat we, the Malaysians actually brought some ‘havoc’ to the administration of Kasturba Medical College.. The Dean of KMC, especially, is being troubled by non-stop pressures from us the students, the parents, and JPA… There were many discomforting complaints; and the involvement of JPA, or can be so called the Malaysian government, simply ‘stimulated’ the admins to act fast and carefully… Extra classes had been postponed-to-dunno-when before this, the bad conditions of the rooms had not been repaired, and the food had been sux ..Yesterday, the dean personally met us and instantly arranged everything for our comfort, including the possibility of offering AC rooms to every one of us (but of coz if only JPA would pay for us), wow… However, I think we can’t blame everything on them… This is India, and India is about an era behind than that of what Malaysia is now… the conditions here is like the 50-years-ago environment in Malaysia… they wouldn’t know that what they’re having normally is considering very old and bad for we Malaysians… We, as students, as the ‘ambassadors’ of Malaysia, are supposed to be strong in other countries, to adapt and accept, to over come and persevere what is being offered here, not only to complain and expect everything to be like the ideal home sweet home, correct?? (Haha, suddenly I feel that my self being a hypocrite… Yea, I do complained a lot anyway, but now I’d accepted the fact, hehe, I know this sounds ironic)
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