Thursday, July 10, 2008


Yesterday, Caryn is back from her vacation. Yeah!! She was back in Malaysia for 3 weeks. Her holiday is supposed to be 6 weeks, but because she failed 2 subjects in her last final exam, she has to come back for supplementary exam on the 1st of August. She's sad for failing of course, but what most important is to get up again and fight the battle again. It doesn't matter how many times u stumbled, but it is how many times you stand up again. Whenever you face a hard time, God is preparing you for a higher level. The harder the time, the higher level you're going to be, and be stronger. Never be complacent of where and how you are now, but keep striving for better ones, there's always room for improvement, and God is pushing you to be better. All the best!! Since she came back, my life is 'bound' again... for more fun and excitements and great home-made-cookings, hehe. Really glad that she's back here. Besides, she bought me a Bvlgari Aqua Marine perfume. I like the odour a lot a lot, we chose it together when we were in Bengaluru, and she bought a tax free one in KLIA. Thank you so much.

Besides, i'd set up a small gym corner in my room. It was super cheap and simple, consisting of:
  1. a yoga mat
  2. a jumping rope
  3. a pair of 5 kg dumbbells
  4. a pair of glove to counter my sweaty hands and provide better grip
Since one month ago, i decided to get serious bout my body condition and shape. I'm super skinny and weak. See i just recovered from sickness yesterday. I was having severe cold, pharyngeal irritation and low grade fever. But today i'm 80% recovered already, Also, last week, i was suffering from swelling of the right thumb which is idiopathic, and at the same time, inflammation at my right wrist at the styloid process. I was so damn sure it wasn't Carpel tunnel syndrome due to excessive computer because my mouse is super ergonomic with a very comfy mouse pad. I think all these joints problems are developed when i sleep, due to improper sleeping positions and over stretched the joints. Since few years back, i'd suffered from many joints problems, sometimes at groin, sometimes at wrists, and sometimes interphalengeal joints. Another major thing is that all my friends, especially those ever sensitive girls, are always laughing bout my big big tummy, so, i think it's time for me to get serious in my body fitness.

I mainly follow a free internet exercise videos of 8 minutes Abs, Buns, Arms, Legs, and Stretch exercises. It will only take up max 8 mins each and 40 mins everyday, and the results are proven to be very good. This series had been very famous since the early 90's, and they are fast, easy, cheap and fun. There's no need to spend so much time going to gym, getting a gym plan, getting a coach, and spending time in travelling to and fro. I counted and compared the cost of both gym ways, and the one i set up is only 5 months' of Moti Mahal Hotel's, plus the effect is almost the same. I hope i have the perseverance and will to do these exercises everyday. As my idol Bruce Lee said: "If you weren't in shape, you couldn't be 100% efficient.""In order to get in excellent shape, you needed strength". The main motive of my 'mini gym' is to shape my body, to be fitter, stronger and healthier, both mentally and physically, that's all. In addition, the keys to keep up with my training schedule are 'drive' and 'endurance', and hopefully this training will help me develop as a person as well.

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